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Restart of Non-Critical Workers Driving Lessons and Tests

2nd July 2020

When can lessons and tests start?

Normal driving lessons can start from the 4th July 2020 (for non-critical workers)

Practical driving tests will restart 22nd July 2020 but will initially be for students whose tests where cancelled before hand. The DVSA will be sending an email to these students to allow them to re-book a convenient date/time.

There will be a backlog of students taking tests and hence it may be a while before other students can start booking driving tests.

Latest updates from the DVSA can be found here

Safety Precautions For Your Driving Lessons

24 hrs before your lesson Salim will contact you and make sure you have not shown any symptoms of COVID-19 in the last 7 days and have not been on contact with anyone who had symptoms in the last 14 days. If any of these are true the lessons will be rescheduled.
Please wash your hands properly before coming for the lesson
You will be required to use hand sanitiser before getting into the car
Payments will be done by bank transfer where possible instead of using cash
Salim will be wearing washable gloves and a face mask
Students should wear a face mask and disposable gloves. Your mask should cover your nose and go to the bottom of your chin. If you wear glasses you may need a mask with a vent.
Salim will wipe down the car after every lesson with anti-bacterial wipes
During lessons the windows will be slightly open and if the AC is used the recycling option will not be used
Salim will not do any driving demos as this would require wiping down the interior mid lesson

When you come for your driving test

DVSA guidelines for your test day can be found here. Please read this carefully.

Salim's Driving School

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